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(2 edits) (+1)

Hey there KoboldCard! ^^ i must say, you have piqued my interest in full extent with this world you are creating. absolutely loved every second, had audible reactions throughout it. i cant tell if i relate to the dragon or the human more ^^. im enamored and ready for more.. i will certainly be supporting as the lifespan continues. any chance you got an estimate for chapter 2 to release? i see there was update a few days ago ^^. Kudos to you for being steadfast with the nonsense down below in the comments. im genuinely proud of you. The ethereal kobold guide is such a nice touch btw. <3

omg thanks! I'm always glad when people enjoy my VN.

A lot of my free time is going into another project (which should have a demo out shortly here), but I'm still getting some fs&s progress done. That being said I'd probably make a fool of myself if I tried to estimate how long till chapter 2, sorry!

(1 edit) (+1)

When I saw this painting I said to myself there is something missing🤍🩶🖤 

lol reminds me of something...





In case anyone is confused about the recent upload, it was a translation patch fully updating simplified chinese to the most recent version.

(1 edit) (+1)

Man I loved part one, I'm so excited you've made my week! <3


This was the first visual novel I've ever played, and it was amazing. I'm willing to wait even three years for it to be finished. I would even pay for it if necessary. I'd rather wait a few years for a great VN than get a rushed one. It's understandable if it takes longer because you're working on other projects as well.

It wont let me type a name

This is the first I've heard of this issue, I didn't do anything too fancy with the type prompt either. What platform?



The Spanish translation lacks a lot of text, there are scenes in which there is nothing, maybe some error in the code? The strange thing is that in the history there is no trace of text either unless the language is changed, but at the same time put it back in Spanish the text disappears again

(1 edit)

Short explanation:
The translator taking care of spanish could only commit to translating a previous version, so content since then is missing translation.

Long explanation:
Italian is the only language that is completely (or almost completely) translated up to the newest version (The game page lists what versions which languages are translated up to). If I recall correctly spanish is only translated up to the cart scene. Translation is on a volunteer-basis, so this sort of thing will happen.
Also, when I make spelling corrections or changes on english strings, the translations usually get broken.

thanks for the info bud


Weird how upset people can be sometimes.  Like, just let the game sit on the shelf until a new update comes out.  If its been so long that you've forgotten what, you get to play a game you already know you like again like it's the first time!


Some of y'all actually need to chill out. I have neverrrr seen this much entitlement on this site before.


no matter how much time passes, i will still wait for you, if there are 100 people waiting for your work, i will be 1 of those 100 people, if there is only 1 person waiting for your work, that person will still be me

haha I appreciate it

(1 edit) (+5)(-33)

You are releasing two updates a year apart and now putting this game further on a back burner? If that’s kind of an attitude you are going with then you might as well just cancel this game entirely. No one will care about it by the time you decide to return .

Gotta love fvn’s Devs work ethic, loosing passion on projects they didn’t even start properly.

(1 edit) (+17)(-2)

Wow, the sheer audacity...

You really have flesh on your face, now don't you? Are you even an artist? As an artist I mean, writer or illistrator or literally anything? Can you even imagine how hard it is to pull more than 8 members together on a project, while probably half of them are figthing with art block or being burnt out? This is actually sadden me.


Oh, and I also revisit visual novels that are on hiatus, I'm still waiting for an update after 3 years, and I'm sure they will give it. Sometimes the best we can do is to have faith in them.


I AM an artist who currently does VN's with a team and his statement is 100% correct. The amount of times Ive heard creators, ESPECIALLY furry creators, piss and moan at cons about absolutely everything and take ZERO personal responsibility for their work ethic is so disgusting, Not ONE serious professional I know blames burn out, or art blocks. NONE. If they werent taking money from people, be a lazy lump, who cares? But I bet they havent stopped taking those payments huh? No one holds them accountable. YOU are the one with audacity to defend a terrible practice. You dont speak for creators.

(3 edits) (+4)(-1)

If it's stated that the project is on hiatzs, but the patreon page is still working in the present, updating with at least sketches and stuff, you are basically buying the atmosphere, like going to the coffee shop. Why do you think that a coffee is so expensive? Because you are buying the atmosphere to taste it. This statement also applies at here too. It's stated that the project is on a hiatus, and if you don't want to read a project which is on hiatus that you already know, but paying for the patreon membership nevertheless, it's like puting a twig in your own bicycle's wheel, yapping around "why did it happen?!". Also do they look like professionals to you? Like literal companies or what? They are only humans, doing their hobbies and earning a little reward. The only problem with the furry community is your unpatient-ass types who are complaining 24/7 straight and trying to do a war against creators because of jelaousy or because of something doesn't work out in the way you wanted. And to be frank, I assume that their patreon page is still working.

by the way, do you even know their age? Haven't you considered the fact that they might be young adults who are attending high school or even having a job? Or maybe about their emotional states?

If they were already talking about a hiatus and they have already declared it, you have absolutely no right nor reason to act like this.

Even so, it's really admirable that they are trying the best out of their own capabilities as "freelancers". It's the process of making a dream come true and I'm here to balance the negative with positive.

There's also one more thing that I especially hate about the artist fandom, and it's that they mind everyones business instead of their own. If something occures that somebody doesn't like, they will literally start a life-ruining shame war against them, which is EXTREMELY disgusting. At the end of the day, no one's better than the other.


So for anyone finding this, dont bother its another dead game. It was a "passion project" that lost the passion and the creator is moving on to a strictly patreon only excluse game that may or may not be coming


Hi! While I appreciate the thought of letting others know, you seem mistaken on a few things I wrote in from a public patreon post.

The VN isn't dead, however it is on hiatus while I plan and work with a few artists on other projects (we're finding out what are realistic goals). I'm in the process of learning Unity and RPGMaker, for separate projects. None of these things are patreon exclusive, and demos are planned to be available.

Despite these facts, I hope that what people can still enjoy FS&S as it is in its current, unfinished state. That people can bother to take a look at it, if they like.


Oh no you don't try to lie like that, your next game is NOT free. How do I know this, because you said it yourself: "I am in the early stages of working on some RPGMaker game concepts. I've got a few artists on board so we'll see where that goes! Unlike FS&S, this game will not be available for free."

This game is dead as like every other vn left on an indefinite hiatus never returns and is a cheap way to give a false illusion that it has a possibility of coming back. Don't try to wiggle yourself out of this, you've lost the passion for this passion project: "it's not time efficient to be working on passion projects purely for the passion." Finally releasing a free demo does NOT make the game free, it just makes the advertisement free. 


You should honestly calm down a bit. I can sympathize with being worried for a project to be abandoned without a word after months of silence, left in a limbo, i saw too many, but this is not the case. Really, you are talking as if you were in his mind, but you didn't even work on the game, know him personally and maybe aren't even in the discord.

He may or may not change his mind about his next projects being exclusive or not (this one is free after all, patrons are just a version ahead) and he isn't scamming anyone. Also, he had his delays from 0.1 to 0.2 too, but he did deliver, didn't he? And he was chill about replying when questioned about it, i assure you.

Free to not believe us, move on and keep an eye on this or not, your choice, but don't come say it's dead like it's a fact, thank you.


Normally I would let something like rainbowyoshi's comment be the end of it, but the accusation that I lied is false and should be clarified.

Nowhere have I said these projects will be free.
You said it would be strictly patreon only. I said it will not be patreon exclusive. Both of these terms mean it will be only on Patreon, which is not the case. These projects will be purchasable on Itch, and possibly elsewhere.

Looking at your comment history on other VNs, you seem to be the type that expects others to make content for you, for free, and then gets unreasonably disappointed when the creator has other priorities. I appreciate that people have enjoyed FS&S, but I need to make rent and graduate uni at the moment. Right now I cannot justify the time it takes to work on these projects if I do not receive income. I value artists and pay them accordingly. I will continue to do so.

Please do not interact with my projects in the future if you will bring this level of immaturity.

(1 edit) (+2)(-8)

> Please do not interact with my projects in the future if you will bring this level of immaturity

The sheer amount of hypocrisy in this comment is astounding. I would like to see arguments how are you mature based on your careless attitude to your own projects.

> Right now I cannot justify the time it takes to work on these projects if I do not receive income. 


> you seem to be the type that expects others to make content for you, for free, and then gets unreasonably disappointed

People have an absolute right to expect whatever was advertised, so stop trying to gaslight them.


Bro hasn't figured out how LIFE works yet 😭 Sometimes shit just happens and things just get delayed, dipstick. That's just how it is.

I diagnose you with entitlementitis and jobless behavior.

(2 edits) (+4)

I would love to see what sh!t VN you try to make. A huge majority of the VNs on this site are passion projects. If you're so bent out of shape, how about you get off your ass, go to steam, and I don't know; freaking pay for a complete VN if it matters to you so much. If you truly cared about a VN being made by an up and coming creator you'd understand that life doesn't stop for them just because they make VN as a passion project. Sometimes they need to focus on life (like school, their job, or a family which I imagine you have none of with the way you talk). It's pretty normal for some VN creators to go on haitus for those reasons, they might fall out of love for the project, or find that reworks didn't pan out. This is being made by an individual in concert with a small group of artists, a composer, and some people helping with programming etc. Not a full on company, so things can happen. Also it is normal practice for VN creators on here to request DONATIONS via patreon and other sites to help pay for those that assist with the VN and in exchange they get early access to updates while public access is a month later usually. The money does go into the VN but it doesn't always guarantee completion. Again go to steam and PAY for complete VNs if it matters to you so much. Your lack of common sense and money (you broke a55 loser) yet abundance of entitlement is astounding. 


sorry I have to interfere now I see your strange misinformation everywhere, even in other VMs, which you spread just to make others in a bad mood.

Have you ever thought about how much work and how much effort goes into such a project, or have you ever thought that some people who create VMs also make a living from it, and yet people put so much effort and so much heart and soul into it and still make a version available for people so that people who don't support Patreon still have access to it.

and yet you make any claims that are not true and start rumors somewhere, the main thing is that you can vent your frustration somewhere instead of being grateful for it, you hurt the feelings of others with what you say, especially to those working on the VM and it doesn't matter if it's just one person or several working on it.

and yes there are VMs that have been abandoned but there has also been an announcement that this project will no longer be pursued, either for personal reasons or for other circumstances, it is sometimes sad when this is the case and it would be respectful to have understanding for this but not in the way you do it.

I'll say it again, you have something free here on this site, you don't pay for it, but leaving a few nice words or a bit of gratitude doesn't seem to be possible for you.

(1 edit)

How to save and access the menu on android?

Edit: nevermind, I found out by tapping save by accident. The buttons should really be more obvious...

(1 edit)

okay so when I try to download, it says "There was a problem parsing the package." And Im on Mobile

When choosing Chinese as the language, all the conversations in the game disappear.

Have you tried selecting different fonts?

I have selected all the fonts

The conversations will only appear at the beginning of the game, that is because it is not fully translated. Otherwise, I'm not sure why it wouldn't be appearing, as there is a font written in chinese to help guide readers. It's working on my end.




I know it has likely been brought up multiple times, but I beleive xou can fix the "Foreskin" problem simply by rearranging the name to "For Scale & Skin". Just a suggestion 😋

I'm enjoying the story's progress 🙂 especially since there are some branching options, and the new background are great! They really do fit the theme well. I hope xou do this with all the stock images?

1ne last thing. Might I suggest adding more interactions with the clutchmates (children)? I think xour story would benefit from including them more, and it doesn't have to be in a big way, as I can see what xou're going for, but they kinda feel invisible most of the time. The scenes with them are always cute, but it's kinda hard to connect with the clutchmates when they get such little screen time.


Hi! Honestly at this point, it would be a crime if I changed the name xd, I enjoy the joke anyway. But, yeah! I do plan on replacing all the stock backgrounds. There'll always be more of the trio, don't you worry :P

Thanks for the kind words!

I like this story so far, but I was looking at the gallery and saw that there was 5 scenes that I just couldn't seem to find in the prologue I guess and I think I found all 4 scenes in the chapter one part 1 section, but they didn't seem to be unlocked in the gallery. Is this meant to be happening, or is it a bug?

It's a bug, the gallery implementation is imperfect at the moment.

Alright, Thank you for letting me know!


I’m disappointed by this update. I hoped the rewriting of the prologue would remove all of that exposition, but nope, still there.

This new chapter also makes my worries about the primary focus of the story being the porn much worse. Bummer.


Funny, I was just thinking there is not nearly enough porn in this game and the new chapter only helps a bit with that.

Sounds to me you're looking at the wrong genre if you want less porn.


Oh, I have no problem with stories containing porn, I just don’t usually like the ones that I feel revolve around the porn. I find there’s plenty of both in the “Bara Furry Gay Romance Visual Novels” genre, this comment made me think it would have been the former. The latest chapter simply made me question that.


Among the ones I've played at least, this is very much on the low end of revolving around porn.


I mean, so far on that front I’d place it in the upper quarter of FVNs I keep up with. Like, below Sileo but above Temptation’s Ballad, I guess.

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

I haven't played either of those in a long time, but I mean... as of when I last played them... Sileo certainly has some plot threads that are largely about sexual encounters, but not in a pornographic manner. Temptation's Ballad had exactly one mention of an actual sexual encounter by the time I stopped playing. Maybe it ramped up though, I have no idea.

So like... yeah, if you're including either of those with mere mentions of sexual activity as pornographic, I guess this is high on the scale? But I wouldn't consider either of them to be. Basically, our scales of what porn is seem to be sufficiently differently defined that something like Chord Progressions would be at the top of yours and the bottom of mine...

(1 edit)

im confused. I've clicked download after every update but there is never any more then the last i played. it only gos to the inn sceen and that's it. it says 5 new characters but it still ended at the in. do i have to get this somewhere else?

i realy liked it the first time. and i keep seeing it says new things but i can seem to get any more story. am i doing something wrong. do i have to pay for the new content?


Hey! The majority of previous updates have been language patches. The next actual content update does not become public for another two days. Patrons get early access. Sorry for the confusion!


thank you. i look forward for more. you're doing a great job


You guys really need to stop rushing people on VN's, they take time to build from the ground up, including adding new content. It just takes time, just be patient guys, sheesh.

(1 edit) (+1)

The amazingly well made story and awesome art with some astronomically high cuteness levels, makes the updates well worth the wait.

On a side note, it is also always good to have more kobold cuteness and awesome VNs. The cuteness is so vital to have that if you look at other planets in the galaxy, the one thing the barren ones all have in common, is a complete lack of kobold cuteness, and no access to awesome VNs like this.


It genuinely sucks that the only reason why you can't update is because the people behind the art aren't doing what they need to do


Hi! I'm glad you're excited for the update, but I'm unsure where you've gotten this idea. I might have mentioned inefficient commission times in the past on my Discord or elsewhere, but I take full blame for the update taking this long.

I am a full time student and work a few part times jobs outside of this VN. Add in other hobbies and a touch of poor time management and we're here. However, I am most of the way done with Chapter 1 and it contains ~5 new characters, a slew of art, and there will be 3-4x readable content compared to now.

Hope this clears some stuff up for everyone I've kept waiting!


When's the next real update? I get so excited every time I see an update just to see its just additional languages-_-


When is the next update ?


Heyo! I was recently on hiatus for the last month, and I've just gotten back into it. A significant portion of work on my end is done, but I'm not sure how long art is going to take, so I cannot throw any definite dates out.

(2 edits) (+4)(-3)

Bit too bara for my tastes, but it's nice to see a VN that doesn't put a humanoid penis on the male anthros. That's rare, especially when it comes to buff anthros for whatever reason.


too bara? oooo downloading 👀💦


That's... not a description I expected for this game. I mean, nothing is too bara for me, but also... this game isn't very bara? Sure, it does technically belong in that category, but there are hundreds of games that are far more bara. Maybe you just haven't seen them because it isn't something you look for?


That was WONDERFUL!!! I'm just sad about how quickly it was over.

This dragon needs more dragon, damn it! >_<


Great vn! Looking forward to seeing what you can create with the characters and how the story will unfold with it's world building. Im supporting / wishing you good luck on the production of this vn :P


Thanks! The next build is mostly done and I'm enjoying making it plenty, I hope it finds you well too :)


Proud to support horny queer game development in whatever way I can! <3

Thank you for making this, truly.


Hey, it's very much appreciated :]


please don’t write another generic dumb horny human protagonist T_T

giving the option to name the characters already gives off huge ‘audience self-insert’ vibes, please have them be interesting instead of character archetype cardboard cutouts


🤔I didn't think I wrote the human MC super stoopid, maybe I'll take another look.


oh I’m not saying that he’s a moron, it’s just that the human’s reaction to meeting the dragon and blunt writing style make me worry for future builds, you know?


Oh alright, I gotcha. Yeah this VN has horny, but it's not JUST a horny VN.


I think he meant that it has vibes of wish-fullfillment fantasy because one of MC is dreaming about a better life with hot dragon and then it's suddenly happened. 

The main character seems pretty well rounded so far, good back story along with assertions of various goals. I finds it to be the best of both worlds when great character development is taking place while also allowing for renaming of the character.

(3 edits) (+1)

I don’t know what you count as well rounded but so far to me it just reads as having the bare minimum to make the story work and instert porn in it, which is not bad, don’t get me wrong, but not “well rounded”.

Like, of course he cares about the children, is not bigoted, wants to see the wider world and is horny, the story hinges on that being the case. The one thing I can think of that I would not have known is that he draws, which so far seems more like additional flavour than substance.

Don’t get me wrong, we’re super early in the story so it wouldn’t be fair to make a judgement about it now, but that goes both ways. There’s way too little available now to go as far as to describe them as well rounded.

I care about the name choice because the only real reason I can see that inclusion making sense is if you’re meant to be able to roleplay as them, but that usually comes with the characters being as ‘blank slate’ as possible to avoid conflicting with the reader’s own interpretation of, basically, ‘their own character’.

That’s where my worries about this come from, especially since a lot of those human archetypes in gay furry 18+ vns are dumb/incompetent as hell to make the rescuer manly furry bf have lots of opportunities to do their thing. Which again, is not necessarily bad, but something I’m very tired of reading again and again and would be disappointed by finding yet another time.

(1 edit) (+1)

In terms of character development I see it more in terms of how smooth the world building and establishing the lives of the characters in that world.

I have seen some VNs that will try to establish a deep back story for a character, where the more interesting and entertaining aspects of the story takes a back seat, in those cases, people can find themselves rapidly skipping through the text without really reading it. The video game equivalent of that would be taking a game like skyrim, and making the first part of the game reading through all of the lore books found scattered in the game world before you get to start your first quest. That method will make many people in that game a lot more well rounded, but it would also mean that 90% of users will never make it to the first quest before dropping the game.

There are also some games where the main campaign seemingly has no story because all of the world building was done in random books and notes that are easy to overlook. 

Usually the best overall are the ones that manage to strike a balance of developing the characters while also moving the main story forward. For me, since I see elements of a balance, the indicators are pointing in the direction of a well rounded character, even if that rounding is not yet complete. Given the length of the first release, if the character ended up well rounded already, then the first build would have been more of a fictional biography textbook and less of a VN.

(1 edit) (+1)

I dislike exposition as much as the next guy, no disagreements there, but I’m concerned if you think that’s the only way to develop characters.

Hell, I found the writing so far has been fairly exposition heavy in my opinion. The same tendency to be ‘utilitarian’ and very direct in the writing when it comes to character development seemed to happen with worldbuilding too.

The same way the writing made very obvious that the human cared about the children, that he is horny for dragons and that he is unhappy with his place in life was also applied to the worldbuilding. The internal monologues of the mcs mostly tell you everything straight. It’s not like the scene of the dragon mc walking down the street was particularly subtle in demonstrating the town’s bigotry towards dragons, and it wasn’t the first nor last one to be like that.

It’s not bad, mind you, just not for everyone’s taste. That and it’s just something that in my experience very often came with the aforementioned ‘carboard cutout’ characters I also personally dislike, which is why I made these comments: haing read the story so far I worry the mc will turn into the archetypal ‘dumb horny human in a gay furry story’.


I think I need Chinese patch language to me to play this game.


One is actually in the works already, I hope it finds its way here soon!

Hi! I know it's been a long time coming, but there will be a Chinese patch with the next update. The first section will be playable for you.


Patch notes?


v0.1.2 is just a Russian patch for v0.1.1! (Also some code updates and a new font)


ahh okei! ^^

I saw that it had an updoot on my feed and i was  wondering if i should play it again. I guess ill just play it next time you update it, since im a little hyped about this game. :p


Just so it's known, Chapter 1 will appear as v0.2!

Heads up, there's likely to be another language patch or two for Italian and Chinese before Chapter 1 is out. I don't want to get your hopes up too high when those become available :3


I like this a lot. Gimme more please. At your own pace of course but hurry I'm impatient already.


Just out of curiosity, when you say bad ends, do you mean lewd NSFW "bad ends"?


Correct! I'm a fan of games that let the player imagine and play through scenarios that aren't considered the cannon ending. Given the horny nature, most or all of these will be NSFW.


I just pushed an update for android to hopefully fix crashes caused by making a language selection on some devices. Also, the app icon was not appearing correctly (looked like default Ren'py). Please let me know under this comment if you still see these issues.


Sorry is this nsfw or ?


Right now it's mostly just lewd, but in the future it will be quite quite NSFW.


Thanks mate For letting me know


That was fun. Looking forward to the next chapter.


I like how Reidruss looks and how he speaks. Sexy and goofy. About the lore: I really like it so far. There's nothing really bothering me and making me want to stop reading it.

Nicely made. Please keep up the good work.

(1 edit)

Thanks! C:
And will do :D

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